It’s been said that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.
A couple of close friends who are very dear to me has been going through some tough times lately. None of their situations is ever easy. It’s not a position which anyone would wish on another. One friend reminds me of the time when I was at her exact position. When I can’t even bear the thought of what tomorrow holds because it scares me to the core. And how grateful I am to have overcome that. And another friend, made me reflect on what my actions would be if, God forbid, I will find myself in her shoes.
One thing that comforts me though, and what I also share with these wonderful people who are going through tough times…. They will be over sooner than you think. To take it one day at a time. That tomorrow has enough troubles of its own and we don’t have to consume ourselves with its burdens right now. That it’s OK if our strength would only last for a day. That we are tougher than we think. Even if at times we don’t believe that. We should give our hearts more credit.
One day at a time. One quivering step at a time. One deep breath at a time. Do it anyway, that’s bravery.
To my dear friends and to you, who’s going through some tough times now…. Tough times don’t last long. But we will.
How I wish I could join one of your workshops!!! Living in a small town, although it has its perks, means that we don’t see workshops like these. I would love to learn how to write these beautiful words that are not only very pretty but inspiring as well.
Hello Joselle,
Thank you for dropping by, reading and leaving your thoughts. I am very encouraged and I hope to meet you as well, if not in one of my workshops, maybe when you find yourself lost in the urban jungle of Singapore. 🙂 Thank you again ! 🙂