Summer was slowly fading fast and I haven’t had my beach fix yet, that was last May. I kept imaging the beautiful beaches back home (CEBU, Philippines), and the memories and stories that went with each. Boracay, Bohol, Bantayan, Malapascua. Not even counting the island hopping in Mactan, with a a local manong prepare fresh seafood lunch on the boat for you while you are out in the water snorkelling. Ahh bliss.
But more than just going back to old familiar places, I wanted to go somewhere, anywhere, by myself. A quick getaway from work and the hustle of the city. So checking tickets online, with no idea where to go… I booked a ticket to Bali.
I’ve met wonderful people, I’ve gained new friends, I’ve shared stories with strangers, I got a new ink, I partied with a bunch of fun fellow travellers, I meditated and reflected on where I am in my life now (and very very grateful on where I am and who I’ve become).
And yes, I’ve taken photos. Along the way, the quick getaway turned into a two week trip with nothing but chill, stress free, care free vacation. I’ve never been more happier changing plans.
To quote a snippet of my previous post, it best sums up my trip.
” Recently, I spent 2 weeks of wonderful days in Bali. All I had was a small luggage, my camera and heart set to enjoy the island with no plans and clear direction of where to go and what to do. All I wanted was to get away for a few days just by myself.
I guess the only plan I had, if one could call it that, is to find myself in a beach somewhere at sunset. And just take photos. Lots and lots of photos. But the universe had something else far more beautiful planned for me on this short trip. I ended up meeting wonderful people turned friends, hearing stories that opened my eyes, and I breathe in beauty beyond what a regular tourist would see. This short journey not only cleared my mind, but cleared my heart. And yes, the longer I stayed, I keep on forgetting to bring my camera with me hahaha, because all one would really need to enjoy the day is a healthy doze of sunscreen.
What was supposed to be only a few days holiday for me turned into two weeks of laughter filled and relaxing adventure with fellow sole travellers. Sometimes when you are having too much fun, it’s but natural to rebook a flight at 5:30 am or extend another night stay in the hotel even if you’ve packed your bags already and on your way to your next stop. Initial plans for the day change over breakfast because something inside you wants you to stay a little bit longer.
You know how it is. Sometimes you feel that you can not hear yourself think but there are days too the voice is so loud and clear that there is really no point but to cave in.
I am most grateful especially for three new awesome friends I’ve met who made my days in Bali really special. And also for having a friend who would fly all the way to there to pass to me spare camera batteries because I’m an idiot who forgot to pack one. Good company spent beyond the beautiful beaches of Bali, enjoying good food in the middle of rice paddies (which is in the middle of nowhere), and capping the night with cold Bintang while soaking at the pool and star gazing on endless night sky. “

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