I love how this Family portrait shoot rolled out. Jeng dropped me a message at the start of the year to book me to take some photos of Samuel. Though the details were still a bit fuzzy, understandably, but they were very sure already that they wanted a Star Wars theme for Samuel’s shoot. Jeng hand sewed this little Jedi’s costume. If that is not dedication, I don’t know what is. 🙂
One thing I’ve noticed when I am really having so much during a shoot, I tend to go overboard taking photos, here are some of my favorites. And with Samuel, it just made my job so easy. I mean, look at those cheeks! Oh My!
Thank you so much Ping and Jeng for trusting me to take your family photos. And happy birthday dearest little Obi Wan Kenobi! May the force of the universe always be with you little Jedi Sam.
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