There are photo sessions that I enjoy not just for the time I’ve spent with whoever is in front of my camera. But more so of the story behind them.
A couple of months before the scheduled shoot, Charmaine (who have always been supportive of my work, THANK YOU ma’am Cha!), dropped me a message and checked if we can do a SURPRISE portrait session for her sister for her 40th birthday.
She told me how she’d always looked up to Donna. And just listening how she described her sister, brings so much joy to me. There is something about the bond of sisterhood that speaks of unbreakable link. It reminded me of how proud I am of my one and only sister. How I’ve taken her photographs many number of times. And to be a part of a surprise gift of love, from one sister to another, it is such a privilege. So when Charmaine asks, it was an easy yes.
When I met Donna on the afternoon of the shoot. She kept on telling me how she wanted to backout. Hahaha. She was so shy… at the start. But you can see how excited she was and how loved she felt. I had such a great time taking her portrait shots.
Thank you Donna for not backing out! Hahaha. You looked so natural in front of the camera! Here’s a little note from your sister Charmaine. May you always feel loved, cherished and treasured. Happy 40th beautiful!
Photography | Souldeelight Photography
Hair and Make-up | Kookie
Dear Ate Donna,
I never would have known before that I will be writing down a love letter (we can call it that 🙂 ) on your 40th birthday.
What I’ve always known though is that …
Every time I sneak out or extend longer in school, you’re right in our room waiting to bark at me and, with no bounds, tell daddy how I stayed out late chatting up with friends.
Each time I set the alarm clock to 4am, you’ll surely be nagging me on why can’t I be any diligent at night to finish up my book and be prepared for the next day.
On those times that I dilly dally laundries, dishes and other house chores, you’re on my toes paving me to get up and finish fast what’s undone.
On to many occasions that I’ve mispronounced, misspelled, misused words… you are always there to correct me. Encouraging me to improve my English,by heart, just so it doesn’t displease you (that’s how I’ve felt then, tsk! But now, I know better)
Oh not to miss those times that you kept running around reminding me of my school ID, coins for the jeepney fares, my T-square and other stuff which I tend to forget every time i rush out to school.
I realized how each of these loving sisterly acts prepared me well in this life. Thank you.
For you … who’s celebrating your 40th, I thank you for letting me be a part of the many wonderful things you have conquered in your 40 years. And I cannot thank Jesus more for gifting me with such a wonderful sister.
Happy 40th ate Donna!!
Enjoy and continue to age gracefully. May God always guide you and protect you. Continue to be a blessing to everyone around you. We love you always.
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